Thanksgiving has come and gone....and God Knows....I AM thankful. Everyday, I give it up. To the higher my my my friends...I even ask that it shows in my face and actions. But this past Thanksgiving was Very special. I was asked to spin at the Muscle Beach party during White Party week on Miami Beach. Boing. Little did I know that the day would turn out as it did. LEGENDARY! We had taken a hotel room on the beach for three we didn't have to deal with travel and could just enjoy being there. The weather couldn't have been more perfect for the entire weekend. And Care Resource reported that they had record crowds at every event. VIP tickets sold Out the opening day.
The Vizcaya White Party turned out to be The most incredible Vizcaya event I have ever been to.
We had breakfast and were early to the beach to the sound of the Atlantic ocean...which brought me Right to where I needed to be.
Turns out I knew the guys setting up the sound system....and they 'Hooked It Up" with a Wicked DJ booth and sound system. Can't ask for better....thank you Brian. So the day began without a hitch. Like I said the weather was perfect all day...ending with a Full Moon Rising on the Fireworks. My set was from 1pm, when they opened the gates, to 3pm. Three songs into my set the flood gates opened.
To tell it in the words of a friend of mine....who had arrived early across the street from the beach at the Palace Bar. He said he was going to stop in there for a few beers to get his groove on before coming over... He said he was sitting there watching the decorations blow in the breeze....and all of a sudden there was a sea of Men Flowing into the party....he said "F'' this, what are we doin' here, let's get over there. And they Did. The report is it was the fastest happening party ever seen for the beach. Maybe I do have powers. Peep the pics ( you can witness the crowd I had just an hour into IT. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for all BEing there. I had a Blast. The set turned out just as I correct. I left Roland with a Packed I did my job. Too much fun. Short but sweet...leave 'em Wanting More.
Well I just wanted to come current as to how it went...for all of you who didn't make it.This is notice of the pictures taken...and We were Had. Ok, so were they.
I hope you all have the Best holiday season....and New Year. Let's all keep our heads to the sky...and feet to the 4/4 floor. I'm always listening and trying to amass a wicked set to throw that you get the full Herbicidal, as you've come to expect. And, Always stop by the booth to say hi. Look forward to seeing you dancing soon.
Also, don't forget you can hear me on the net, twice a week, every Tuesday (Monday night) from 1am to 3am and Friday from 11pm to 1am on GIRL Radio.
I AM ....spinning the Beach y'all....and it's ON. I have, over my Infamous DJ career, been to, and danced at, a Lot of wonderful, over the top, parties and events. I'll tell you some of the, shall we say, juicy, incriminating stories, when we sit down together sometime. But, One of these parties always stands out in my mind, and is held close to my "party" heart. That being the party that is thrown On Miami Beach, during the White Party week of parties, the weekend (Sunday) after Thanksgiving every year. It's called the "Muscle Beach" party.
Now, Here's the Big scoop. I AM....the opening DJ for this years "Muscle Beach" party during White Party week on Miami Beach this year. How Great is That? Me, playing a party that I've always Loved. And, it's the opening slot, which is my Favorite thing in the world to do... to "Come Up." (before you get it in your head, coming up is not All I know how to do....I Will let you 'ave it, given the chance. but here, it's the up Journey.) Needless to say, I'm honored, humbled, and Very excited.
I begin the party at 1pm, and play until 3pm. I'll then turn the party over the my friend, Roland Belmares, yes the legend, and He will turn it Out until 8pm. I have been channeling this party, musically, since I found out that I would be playing it. I have put together a bag Full of beautiful Choons that I feel fit the beach. A "Saintly" combination of sexy down-tempo, to lush house, to hands in the air classic high energy. I plan to open with nothing but the sound of the Atlantic Ocean. And the only music that I have Planned for the progression of my set, are the two songs that I plan to open with. Intro to the day, if you will. To give you a chance to feel the space. A chance to take deep breathes, and to set the tone for what's to come. Think blue sky, major chord changes, positive uplifting vocals and hands in the air, ON the beach....served with loads of Universal Love that will surely stir the mixture of beats and hugs into, dare I say it again, one of the best parties of this year. So, You'll Need to BE there, song one, and we'll take it from there. I Will be "talking" to you, through the lyrics, with every song, from beginning to pay attention. Smile with me. Love with me. Dance with me.
Let's talk about location. Lawd! It's Miami Beach, at 12th Street. And the staging Will be stellar, as it always is. I can just see the layout of the party before me now. "The Land Before Time" it's called this year. And trust me, it's going to be Beautiful. As this year, Johnny Chisholm, as in the famed Gay Disney, is in charge of the event. So I expect that he'll "give it" with the perfect amount of sparkle, to bring this years event to a whole new level of Beach-party-dom.
The entire production is a benefit for Care Resource. They provide care and services for those who are Living with AIDS. I don't think there could be a more noble cause to spend a beautiful day, dancing under a Miami Beach sky, with several Thousand, Sexy, Thriving on it, people...with Great music and Vibe du Jour. Let's just say...People are going to talk.
All that being said...I can't wait to have my moment in the sun, (big smile). So, if you're anywhere close, and can get to it...Do what ever you have to do, to BE there. It's going to be a great time to "be had by all." (w) Look for me and say hi. I’ll be the one with a big grin on my face...and my tail waggin’. (wagwagwagwagwag)
Ok, let me get back to work....I'm putting together a wicked Connie Francis medley for peak time....."wherrrrrreee The Boys Are....hmm mmmm mmm mmmmmmm, Someone waits for meeeeeeee." JUST KIDDING! Good grief. (gotta love a sense of humor.)
Big Hugs 'til then. Love all around Herbie
p.s. Get your tickets early and save a few bucks on the door price.
Get your house shoes on...and please... something sexy or fierce, with boat shoes or flip-flops...(and throw Off the you'll not be needin' that either.) Then, plug in this set and get your house groove on. For this is some of my fave housenesses, past and present....Ok, it's how it came out this night at tha club. Smooth like butta, sexy beats, with a message to hug you with. So, listen to what I'm sayin' to you here. There's a Lot of great music coming out, that when it's blended with a classic, it brings back a memory or a feeling, that makes us remember a time, or a friend, that we held close or loved. Life....that's what good music does to us. It makes us live.
We all say we love music, what Ever that music's with us every day of our lives. We make friends with it. We listen to the things it tells us....the feelings it has. Are you "feelin' me"? Music also has a time. Not just a tempo or a meter....but a time when we need it. We may need it when we want to be soothed, as in ambient or classical music, or....when we want to be beat down, as in lots of club know who you are.
House music, to me, is a message. It's why we (and I say We, because I mean "I") want to hear it at "T" dance, the beach, the pool, the restaurant, the mall, the car....the RADIO! Does Anybody Hear me out there? It just feels Good. And, believe me, the energy is there. Cause if you have ever been to a fierce Winter Music Conference party (the Soulfuric "Friends" party for instance) featuring a competent House DJ line-up....then you've witnessed the masses of hands in the air with smiling faces singing the lyrics and screaming when every song starts, to a room full of love that this music gives. Are you listening yet?
Now, here's what it is....since I've found out that I'm the one that is going to open the incredible "Muscle Beach" party this year for White Party on Miami Beach.....I've been "channeling" that party....trying to focus the music for the beach. Trust me when I tell you....that IF you are near south Florida....and you would like to dance with a few Thousand sexy Men on Miami Beach, in a beautifully designed setting with a great sound system....then, at any cost, BE there. Because I am bringing the love with me....and you will be Feeling it. Let's just say....they are going to talk.
Meantime, Thank you for listening. Spread the love by telling somebody about my music....and how to find it. And Hey, I have a passport and a bag Full of CD's and love to travel. (big smile) So, keep your heads to the sky. Live for the music....and let's be nice to each other. That's Life! Oob la dee,Oob la da. It Goes On!
I've missed you all. Lots of things going on. It's been a fun, fun summer...and All those things seem to blur the lines into one big, giant picture...and that makes it "Life." 'Cause, Life comes at you fast. Zoom, Zoom. XXXciting stuff indeed. Annnnd, It's All tied together. One thing leads to door closes...another one opens. Thank you, Very much. I Love Life...and, I hope Yours is going well as expected. Feel free to send me the details.
Now, about the music. I know, it's been a while. Like I said, things are happnin'. Slowly, but surely. Zoooooom, Zoooooom. I have a residency, every Thursday and Friday a sexy little bar, (there is no dancefloor, although people Do dance)...and that, amazingly, is almost packed to the walls every night...well, at least when I'm there...(hehe).
This set is from the past Friday night. It may be a bit over-kill to give you the entire night (less a couple of down-tempo songs at the beginning...and, I edited out last call,) But, This is mostly how it comes out these days. And, by putting up the get to see what some of my Prime Choons are...and without a repeat of songs. (For those of you getting this as a podcast, sets 2, 3, and 4 will follow throughout this week.)
Meantime, here's a big heads Up for you. I'm spinning one of the biggest and best parties in South Florida. I am opening the "Muscle Beach" party this year for White Party. Can you just see my tail waggin' now? (wagwagwagwag) Me, On the Beach, to come UP...seems like a natural doesn't it? So, put it on the calendar! November 25th...the Sunday of Thanksgiving, on Miami Beach, from 1pm to 3pm ....followed by Roland Belmares, 3pm to 8pm. Trust me when I tell you that you do not want to miss this party. If you can in any way, BE there. Tickets are available at And it's all for a good cause, benefiting Care Resource.
"Through education, prevention, research, care and treatment, and support services, Care Resource improves upon the health and overall quality of life of our diverse South Florida communities in need"
Don't forget to tune in every Monday night and Friday night to my sets on Gay Internet Radio Live.
There are only a few times a year that we are given such an event. Handed over an entire nightclub for our pleasure. Sounds dirty, And fun. Lights, Sound, ACTION. Well, this Saturday, August 25th, in Fort Lauderdale, At Steel....Bound South is throwing such an event....for Your Pleasure.
If you remember the "Leather Masked Ball" during White Party week last year....That's Them. They have put together performances by the Bondage Club...Noel Leon...Rod Stephens...and Me...I'll be your DJ. So think Dark, Classic, Leather...with a few twists...and maybe a few knots...
This IS a benefit for Bound South, Florida's newest leather community service organizaion. Tickets are ONLY $5.00 at the door!
So...IF...You consider yourself a Leather Man/Woman/boy/girl....then I expect to see you there. "Geared UP". Dress to impress...your Fantasy choice. This is the beginning of our season here....let's all give it a good kick start.
Over the a DJ....I've been very privileged to play some incredible parties. Along the way, the music has evolved, along with the vibe. I've played a lot of music along the way. I've met some wonderful people, and I've danced to a lot of great DJs at these great parties. The best of them have been the sexy beach parties thrown during the "Winter" and "White" Party weeks on Miami Beach.
Since we all love a great Big party...and seeing as how I'm telling you how wonderful the beach parties are...let me give you the Big scoop. I AM the opening set DJ for this years "Muscle Beach" party during White Party week on Miami Beach this year. How great is That? Me, playing a party that I've always Loved. Needless to say, I'm honored, humbled, and Very excited. And, it's the opening slot, which is my Favorite thing in the world to do... to "Come Up."
Because I love to come Up. The music will be themed to the Beach. Think daylight, Major chord changes, positive, uplifting vocals....and loads of universal love to stir the mixture of beats and hugs into, dare I say it again, one of the best parties of the year.
It's called "Muscle Beach". It's on Miami Beach. It starts at 1pm Sunday, November 25th, until 8pm that night. I'm spinning from 1pm to 3pm...opening the day for DJ Roland Belmares, who will spin until close at 8pm. The entire production is a benefit for Care Resources. They provide care and services for those of us who are Living with AIDS. I don't think there could be a more noble cause to spend a day, dancing on the beach with several Thousand sexy people.
Great Big Parties….We Love them. This is definitely one of The parties of the year. I highly recommend that you do what it takes to BE there. A great time will be had by all. Look for me and say hi. I’ll be the one with a big grin on my face….and my tail waggin’.
K, Men ‘n Ladies, Listen up....Spinning over the last few, not gonna say how many, years.. I've played a few different styles of music. But, it seems lately, that my DJ "Style," is somewhere between happy, uplifting, vocal house and funky, deep, electro, rub on it, sexy beats...(hehe, how's that for a concise description?) Chalk it up to having so many Good people around me, and feeling so much positive feedback and love. So it Must be a good thing. So, This set is again, from the beginning of the night. Planned that way because I've been spinning some really beautiful lyrics, and wanted You to hear them. I always feel that the first song sets the tone of the night and the rest of the set just flows from there. Listen to what the lyrics tell you. I'm always talking to my room. Now, That said, keep in mind that this set is just the first hour, twenty of the "Journey" that a whole night allows, and that I like All kinds of beats, and ALL kinds of crowds, and that means all kinds of "Journeys" long as they "Do" something, or serve a purpose to get you somewhere (requests included.) Even the musical style will change during the night, from vocal house, to sexy tribalness and progressive house, and does...every night I'm at the knobs (I like mixers with knobs and isolators).
...."blah, blah, blah"....couldn't I have just cut to the chase and just said...I love good music that makes you smile and dance....and Here you have a set full Of IT! Baby, Do you Feel me? I appreciate all music fans, because I know we are all connected by the heartbeat. The pulse may come from the DJ booth, but the soul is on the floor. I also hope that you know that I have a real passion for the music, and love for the people who love it. I'm working on getting to a dance floor near you Soon. BE There, and Stay tuned, next show will be peak. Meantime, keep your head to the sky. Love all around; Herbie
It is with Great pleasure....that I announce to NEW Internet Radio show, starting June 12th 2007. It will be a regular feature on G.I.R.L. , That's, Gay Internet Radio Live .com. (Just Google GIRL radio). If you haven't heard, It's the biggest gay radio going, with over one million hits a month. And, I'll be in some Stellar DJ company....(Randy Bettis, Joe Gauthreaux, Eddie Baez, Lydia Prim, DJ Pride, Jason Jensen, Reed McGowan, Peter Rauhofer) to name the short list. So to say the least, I'm very excited, and honored to be the line-up. Can't you just feel my tail waggin'....wagwagwagwagwag.
My show will be every Tuesday, from 1 AM - 3 AM, and Friday, from 11 PM - 1 AM. Those are EST times, so calculate your time zone accordingly.
This just means that there will be MORE HERBIE to go around...and to a bigger audience. So for all you podcast collectors out there....I will still be putting up my podcasts so that you get some of the "Best Of Herbie", that won't be changing. But Now, Starting June 12th, 2007, you can get a double dose of the Herbicidal treatment ,Twice a week, all summer long. Holla.
So, put into your list of favorites....and tune in often. There is a load of great talent in their line-up, give them all a listen.
Big Love going out to you all, and to GIRL Radio, Thank you for Listening.
How long has it been?....not very. But I think it's been long enough for you to catch up on the last list of fierceness that I left you to sift, Now that it's gettin' Hot on the Summer Dancefloors...and since my Bag (for loss of better words to describe my CD folders) is Over-Flowing with wicked, Wicked peak hour Choons...."CHOON"!!!!....Here you go with a short list of some of the best songs that are turnin' n, bumpin' n, twirlin' n, pumpin' my main nerve. It's ALL good...and it's All about how you put it in the mix and use it to get your crowd "In tha Mood." Hope you get some Herbicidal sexualness; Soon. You NEED it!...and I Need to Give it!
1. Billie Ray Martin "UnDisco Me" All mixes 2. Depeche Mode "The Sinner In Me" (Ricardo Villalobos rmx) 3. David Guetta feat. Chris Willis "Love Is Gone" All mixes (Eddie Thoenick Liberte is fave) 4. Freejak "The Strings" 5. Wawa and Guy Williams "The Energy" 6. David Crops feat. Melinda Williams "Living" 7. Giulia Siegel "Dance" 8. Pornocult "Beat Like This" 9. Alex Romano "Take Control" 10. Bodyrox feat. Luciana "Yeah Yeah" 11. Timewriter "Here Comes the Sun" (Stryke rmx) 12. Andy F "James Alive" 13. Willie Morales "Bang Goes the Drum" 14. Rebeka Brown "Takedown" 15. Seamus Haji "Last Night a DJ Saved My Life" 16. Blue Ray feat Jimmy Summerville "You and Me" 17. Andy J "I Will Have You' 18. The Young Punx "You've Got To" 19. Didier Sinclair feat Lady V "Feel The Wave" 20. Niko Deluka vs Brown Sugar "Lift Me Up"
.....and Now some of the HOTTIE's from the Big Big Room bag...>0 like there is a difference between rooms! 1. William Umana feat Alan T. "Meditation" 2. Nelson "Freedom" (Alyson Calagna rmx) 3. Alan T. "Deranged" All mixes 4. Chocolate Puma "Always and Forever" (Bob Sinclair rmx) 5. Plastic Funk feat. White Boy "Rock Bitch" 6. Spencer and Hill "Get It On" 7. Robert Fulton vs Manuel Deep "the Beat"
.....So, to say the least....this is really the "High-lights" of a Ton of newness And Still wicked Recurrent songs that are rockin' my world right now...and I'm Sure that I've let some slip by. Hope this helps you get through to the next time we chart. 'bout sending me a few of Your hottie hotties to look All helps....and Thanks ahead of time.
Hope your summer is hot n sweaty in a good dancefloor "Journey" way.....Keep your Heads to the Sky...Spread some love....we All need it.
It was with Great pleasure, this Sunday, not long ago, that I was the feature DJ at the Voodoo Lounge and serving it up for Babylon T Dance. I remember it was the weekend of Florida's Gay Rodeo...and What a weekend. As I also spin every Thursday and Friday night....and this time of year here is Peak, High Season for tourists...And Gay that everywhere we went....the bars were literally packed with cowboys...including where I I Knew that Voodoo would be rocked....It was. (Mark it on your calendar for next year, the Rodeo is a HOOT)
I start at 4pm and on that I was loading In...the fans were already pulling up by the car loads to hear how I come up...ok, prolly for the free drinks...(glance) Let me say here....I AM blessed with a Great, dedicated, sexy, music loving fan base. Mad respect goes out to each and every one of them. For enduring some of my "Journey's," Thank You.
This set, is the second set of the night....I call it a set, I record the entire night, but have to cut it up into CD length sets, about an hour - twenty minuets. So by this "Set" (beginning around 5:30)...I already had a dancefloor...which I kept, thank you Very much, till they put the sofas on the floor for the drag show at 11...and was well on the way to being a packed room....including Cowboys....which stayed with me right to the end of my set for the night....7 hours. Seems like it would be a long night, seven hours...but that DJ booth is So much fun to comfortable with great equipment and monitors....that the night seems to be over almost as fast as it starts. (Great side note)...A good friend, and fan, came up to the booth around 9pm(ish)...and said..."Herbie there is nobody on the patio Or the back (Latin) room...they are All on the dancefloor"....big smile, it was true.
Great energy all night long. So have a "Taste" of how we serve up T dance, Herbicidal style. I mix up the beats....I talk to the crowd with the song lyrics..."You want to Touch Me"....(so subliminally, they talk to each other)...I throw in the obligatory Anthems....too many to play in one night, mind you....I give them anthems with a Twist....I Always keep the door to the booth I Love when people stop by to talk and grope....and it All feeds my energy that I have Loads to Give back. So there you 'ave it. I Hope you "Feel IT".....Like I did. And I Hope that I get to "give It" on a floor near You...Very soon.
Till then....Keep your heads to the sky....Spread some Love, 'cuz that's how you Get Some....Lovin'. And, while we're on it....send some to your mom and dad....they won't be here for ever....and on that note....send some to your friends they know who they are. We're All Love and Music.
Hey Hey....Rodeo's in town. We rode it together last year this time...and We're going to Ride it, again. Though This year...the Voodoo Lounge is going to install a new ride...just for all you dancefloor cowboys. It's the wild, spin you right round like a record, Voodoo Vocal Anthem Rodeo Ride. Can I get a, Yee Haa .
That's right, Voodoo Vocal Anthems....Herbicidal style, just the way you like 'em....and served up with Real Cowboys....fresh from a Real Rodeo. (insert image of sexy, shirtless, tight jean'd, booted CowBoy of your choice)
Now let me just say up front. This will not be your typical Line dance. But it IS going to be first class, hands in the air, shake what your mama gave ya, Vocal Anthem Fierceness. Served up with Bring some, Get some. I'll be seeing You...on the dancefloor...This Sunday...April 15th...4pm till 11pm...NO cover...AND Free drinks from 4 to 7...WITH Cowboys!!! This is going to BE Scandalous.
So...Make the Phone call...alert the papparazzi...bring the posse...cuz' there's going to be Hugs....and probably a few gropes. Be sure to stop by the booth and say Hi.
"(You can’t, always get, what you want) But you might sometimes....Get What You NEED"
“It was a dark, and stormy night”…(hey, it was)... and as I left the house, for the club that night…. The Hounds were MAD dogs, I tell you…Howling....I tell you the truth...It was in the air, I could Feel It.... and once again, I suppose that you Should have been there, as there really Is no way, for me to give you the full, 3D “grope around.” But; Picture This…and fast forward to the end of the night…(deleting, of course, the lurid and incriminating, E! True Hollywood story, Facts).
For Real...the bar closes at 3:00am…. and at 3:40, and after a wicked "come down set", they Made me turn the music OFF…. (for lights up)…. to a full room, of HALF NEKID, rubbin’ on it, right down to the very last beat, didn’t want to leave....Crowd. Now, I think, it had Something to do with the music. Ok, probably had to do with Cock-Tailed Barking Dogs....(snicker)...but there were some that said that the night sounded like I was playing for myself….and that the flow just “Flowed”. Ok, Maybe they had a bit too much to drink…(re:snick). But now, listening back; I might just agree with them, it just Feels Good. (Hey, Don’t fight the feeling)
Now, I do tell people, All the time….that what I do; is a Gift from God…(and What a Gift... “Music”)….and I truly, Truly believe that….as, I’ve been a musician (piano) all my life….and believe me, I’ve turned it All over to the universe, Many times….releasing my control….and basically asking God to pull my records….to give it FLOW....EDGE….SEX….LOVE….and turns out….IT HAPPENS! (every time). Just listen to my lyric choices.
On That note….Please, take time to listen to the words…and Hear, what the songs are Saying to you. Cuz’ I preach it. I Sex it. I nudge it, so that even if you’re in the room; and not consciously paying attention….you will Still be “Attracted” (subliminally), Completely unconscious, as to why you haven’t been able to leave…or that all those different beats that you don’t Recognize…. as “hit songs”… are seducing you; Back to the bar; for Just One More. One more walk around the “Walk of Shame” (the bar)…hehehe…(I Do have powers, you know).
All that in mind….(as I; sit here; listening again to the night…and feeing it)….consider this…These; are the songs you will be hearing for months to come. These; are some of MY faves….New twists on the theme….They may Not always be (insert your favorite Style of dance music here___)…and they may not even be your fave recognizable “Choons”….But know this….(and this is one of the things I love Most about Winter Music Conference in Miami, is)…That I AM, competent and in control….I do my homework….I “read” my crowd….and I have a bag Full of Fierceness to work You….and I AM; going to “Let You ‘Ave IT”…the BEST way I know How….Where Ever, and What Ever, that IS.
So my 4/4 buddy…for this podcast…I’m giving you the two Peak night sets from last Friday…sometime around 11:30 to 2:30. ( So that some night, when you want to get your groove on, Before you get on your way out the door for another, Hot night at the club….or; maybe just when you need to get a little “Herbicidal” (Tailwaggin’…. wagwagwagwag)….‘cause it's why I’m make Sure that...You get Some…of What You Need!
Meantime….Cyber me sometime…….and let Me hear. What you listen to at home….what you like in the club. Who knows…I might just close with it some night. Hope to see you in the club very soon….Let’s rub energies.
Ok all you Beat Bunnies....I'm going to step Out of the box here...and say that Techno, is Back. (Flashbacks of early 1990's) In a Way of it's own as only techno ever was. I for one, thought that it would be a scourge on the music world if it ever did come back...But, Now that I'm once again seduced by how the songs just take your butt by both hands and shake it back and forth....I'm Hooked. The crowd loves it's part of my peak night, every night. This just happens to be a whole set OF IT. So put the babies to bed before you peep this one...get into your Own, self prescribed, Space...Open your mind a little bit...because you Will be rocked, with at least, Some of these choons. Annnnnnd.....Jumpin' Jumpin' Jumpin'.....and Tail Wagwagwagwaggin'....This set is the stuff that makes it happen to Me. Ok, it helps when a superstar DJ shows up in my booth for a surprise visit. This particular night, the crowd was crazy and screaming to begin with...but I turn around and Danny Tenaglia is standing in the booth. (got pics) You Know I Had to turn it up a notch....and although I think he'd already left the club by this part of the night....the club was off the say the least. I've been onto the electro house tip for a year or so.....and have wanted to post a set of it, but this past week was the night it came out like This. Wild stuff I tell you...Just the way we like it.
So just listen and see if you can't see the similarities to any of your fave old school techno classics that I know you still love. Get back to me and let me know where you head is at on this...I'm curious to hear. Meantime, I hope to see you in the clubs soon. Be sure to stop by the booth and say hi. Till then....Don't Sit....Just Spin.
Now, I've said before that when I am getting ready to go spin at the club.....I try to Always stop by the famed 'Wall O' Vinyl' and pull out a "Classic", or two, or inspire me to higher and greater know....MUSIC. Well this set is what came out from doing just that last week. Yet another fun note of I've said before....I'm inspired by various DJ' great contemporary being Danny Tenaglia. I've always "Felt" him....from afar I might add. So....the First track I pulled (Dajae "You Got Me Up") and the Last (D.T. "Bottom Heavy") are mixes of, or by him.
AHHHHHHHH....and Trumpets....and Choirs...and Light Shines bright as Doors Open.....(hehe.)
This time, upon listening to the mix a couple of times, I thought...I love the songs... the set is cohesive....and bears multiple listenings. It's got some Great classic songs, and some Wicked new ones. Signs of what I Call....a decent mix indeed. Know this too. Anytime I play music from the DJ booth...I'm "Talking" to my crowd. LISTEN. It's Songs...WITH Words. They have something to Say to you. So pay attention. I Love songs about Love, Uplifting, positive "Message" songs, and also Dirty, rub on it songs And beats. Every song, doesn't have lyrics...alas...Songs Without words...and They are there, to trancend you to the Next lyric...the Next level....Higher and higher...or Deeper and darker. There IS a method to my I keep telling myself. Over and Over. Much like the 4/4 shuffle that moves me to do it. Wagwagwagwagwag.
"Short ideas...Repeated...Massage, The brain." (Robert Ashley)
Do ya "feel" me? I hope and pray that somebody....somewhere....Soon...will...and then....Watch out. As I intend on unleashing the Herbicidal on you and yours...and Will "Feel IT". I can't Wait till it happens 'cause we're All, gonna have some fun then. Meantime...enjoy my new podcast. Look for me in a club near you. Stop by the booth and say Hi. I love when people hang with me. E me sometime, and let me Hear about what's in Your head. Till the next time. Keep your head to the sky.
This goes out to all you turntable trainspotters and track list collectors. It's time for a fresh chart. I love them. They give me a chance to share with my peoples who really Love the music, the music that I love. Love it enough to go out for themselves and search it out...and then Buy it. You know who you are, and I love you too.
Charts are hard because they are really only a skim off the top of what's working my main nerve at the moment. I Want to include all styles of music too....again...that's hard because I can't play it all in a night, or at most clubs. So here's a nice view of what's hot in my "Dance" box right Now. I also encourage you to go back and check out my past charts as there are a Lot of great songs that Stay in the box, and get played recurrently. Whatever your sources are, and there are some really good online music stores for downloading, that aren't mainstream....such as Beatport, Juno, Traxsource, to name a coupla faves. Add them to your "Favorite Places". Visit them often, and Stop by my booth when you see me....say Hi. I love it when you do what cha do.
On that note....THE CHART....January/February 2007
1. Milk and Sugar "Stay Around" (DJ Delicious n Till West rmx) 2. Infernal "Self Control" (Robbie Rivera rmx) 3. Dinah Washington vs Gauzz "Ain't Gonna Cry No More" (Bitgras rmx) 4. Mika "Grace Kelly" (Bimbo Jones rmx) 5. Big Bass vs Michelle Narine "What You Do (playing with stones) (the Young Punx rmx) 6. Disco Rouge "I Lose My Mind" (Ohm rmx) 7. Jochen Pash "Music Makes Me Groove" (Raul Rincon rmx) 8. Christian De Hugo "Music Is U" original 9. Wi-Fi feat Melanie B "Be Without You" (Soul Seekerz rmx) 10. Tanto Project feat. Dikla "Fly Away" original 11. Those Guys "I Walk Alone" (Steve Mac rmx) 12. Christian Hornbostel feat Beverly V. "Joy" (Moto Blanco Vocal rmx) 13. P.I.P. "Still In Love" (King n Rock rmx) 14. Ralph Falcon "I Need Someone" (Orig. n Kobbe and Leeds rmxs) 15. Carlos Faurelle "Terciera" (Peter Bailey rmx) 16. Tinta "Stay" (Alyson Calagna rmx) 17. Suzanne Palmer "Twisted" (Peter Bailey n Anthony Acid rmx) 18. And If feat. Alison Limerick "Let Me Lead You to Heaven" (Minimal Chic rmx) 19. The Newest - bang your nuts on the wall - electro wickednesses (all) 20. The Newest - throw down - big room - sexy - tribal fierceness (all)
Hope you're All having a Very, healthy and happy new year. So Far it's a wild one, so...Stay Tuned...there's much more to come. Winter Music Conference, in Miami, is right around the corner... so, new music is happenin', Now.
I have been beat UP lately, with requests for one of my late night, big room ,dark 'n sexy, hands all over you, rub on it, sets. I've recorded several along the way....but they just never got to what I call, Podcast quality. I've said it before ...I like to play to my crowd, which always includes classics, and hits...but...when it comes to podcasts.... I want what I post, to sound a little more, shall we say, Timeless....So, I don't want to have them include the more big room, Anthem, top forty hits. Got me? So....This set happened this past Friday night...and yes...They, were rubbin' it....and grindin' it....and bobbin' it...and probably later, Strokin' IT. What we like to call....Cocktailed, Bumped, Groped and Beat...the Herbicidal way.
I call the set, "Goes ON, Gets OFF". It's taken from Peak night, till around 2:30ish. (we close at 3am) Packed club. It felt So Gooood. And, here ya go....some of my fave, drummy, dubby, beaty, tweaky, tribal nastinesses. I hope it makes Your tail wag.....Mine sure was...wagwagwagwag.
Hope I'm spinning a club near You that you'll be able to get the full, "All Herbie All the Time" effect. Tell somebody...let's work it out. Feeling You.
Thank You for making this great past year, one of the most exciting, creative, sexy and Fun filled years to date. And without going too deeply into the lurid, sordid, and somewhat incriminating details of 2006....let's just say that I learned a LOT...good stuff all around....Great, great year.
DJ wise, it wasn't a bad year at all. I still spin my weekly residence every Thursday and Friday night. I have turned out a wicked fun monthly for Gary Santis at either the Coliseum or VooDoo Lounge. I received the rock star treatment in Phoenix at the "Keeping the Desert Hot" party, and Rocked it. I got to spin for White Party, the Leather Mask Ball and, I was asked to be the first DJ to revive the Tribe of Man parties. Anytime you see Me in the booth....I'm there for You to get Your "Groove ON"...Anything I can do to help.
Getting on with 2007...let me just say up front...that I'd love to Podcast it all. It just can't happen....there's just too much music being played week to week. So, I'm going to try to focus you on the highlights as it were. This, being the first mix Up for the year....This is how I started the New Year....First set of the night....and what a Bang it was.
Stay tuned...there's more to come....and I'll try to be better posting ...for all you beat bunnies that can't get enough. Meanwhile....write to me,, and let me hear what You've been up to....and What it is music wise that You've been diggin'....what Ever it is. Till next time.
DJ Herbie James. Podcasting weekly from clubs and venues around South Florida and the world. Soulful house music, progressive and tribal, will make you get out of your seat and move with the music.