Hello Again,
How long has it been?....not very. But I think it's been long enough for you to catch up on the last list of fierceness that I left you to sift through....so, Now that it's gettin' Hot on the Summer Dancefloors...and since my Bag (for loss of better words to describe my CD folders) is Over-Flowing with wicked, Wicked peak hour Choons...."CHOON"!!!!....Here you go with a short list of some of the best songs that are turnin' n, bumpin' n, twirlin' n, pumpin' my main nerve. It's ALL good...and it's All about how you put it in the mix and use it to get your crowd "In tha Mood." Hope you get some Herbicidal sexualness; Soon. You NEED it!...and I Need to Give it!
1. Billie Ray Martin "UnDisco Me" All mixes
2. Depeche Mode "The Sinner In Me" (Ricardo Villalobos rmx)
3. David Guetta feat. Chris Willis "Love Is Gone" All mixes (Eddie Thoenick Liberte is fave)
4. Freejak "The Strings"
5. Wawa and Guy Williams "The Energy"
6. David Crops feat. Melinda Williams "Living"
7. Giulia Siegel "Dance"
8. Pornocult "Beat Like This"
9. Alex Romano "Take Control"
10. Bodyrox feat. Luciana "Yeah Yeah"
11. Timewriter "Here Comes the Sun" (Stryke rmx)
12. Andy F "James Alive"
13. Willie Morales "Bang Goes the Drum"
14. Rebeka Brown "Takedown"
15. Seamus Haji "Last Night a DJ Saved My Life"
16. Blue Ray feat Jimmy Summerville "You and Me"
17. Andy J "I Will Have You'
18. The Young Punx "You've Got To"
19. Didier Sinclair feat Lady V "Feel The Wave"
20. Niko Deluka vs Brown Sugar "Lift Me Up"
.....and Now some of the HOTTIE's from the Big Big Room bag...>0 like there is a difference between rooms!
1. William Umana feat Alan T. "Meditation"
2. Nelson "Freedom" (Alyson Calagna rmx)
3. Alan T. "Deranged" All mixes
4. Chocolate Puma "Always and Forever" (Bob Sinclair rmx)
5. Plastic Funk feat. White Boy "Rock Bitch"
6. Spencer and Hill "Get It On"
7. Robert Fulton vs Manuel Deep "the Beat"
.....So, to say the least....this is really the "High-lights" of a Ton of newness And Still wicked Recurrent songs that are rockin' my world right now...and I'm Sure that I've let some slip by. Hope this helps you get through to the next time we chart. Meantime...how 'bout sending me a few of Your hottie hotties to look for.....it All helps....and Thanks ahead of time.
Hope your summer is hot n sweaty in a good dancefloor "Journey" way.....Keep your Heads to the Sky...Spread some love....we All need it.
Love All Around