Saturday, April 25, 2009
Black Sock Hop ....aka...BP On My Mind
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Dear Prudence,
Go ahead and put the children to bed. As it's about to get dirty. I'm just giving you a heads up. This set is beats and groove as it should be at any dark and throbbing big room with a "Sex on their mind" crowd. And, you should already BE there when it starts, so go have a coupla strong shots or...! Lazers in hand. Flags and fans in your pocket. Even play dress up...wrap it and strap it so you "Feel" like a party. 'Cause this ain't no come up set. This is peak night, dirty, beat-down, nastiness. This was a set from the same night as Black Party. (Yes, I know I should've posted it right away, but I was actually up for Another party who wanted more vocals, and I didn't want to scare them. ps, I didn't get the party) So, I just figured that since I wasn't there, but I was spinning...that I would give my crowd some of what I was channeling from that energy. From the feeling that I was getting from hearing all the hype that was happening around the world because of that particular party. This set is chuggy, bumpy, nasty, electro, funkiness with a back room twist. Not to be confused with the uplifting Herbie. He's still around. They are one and the same. This is only one side of me. Not even to say that the whole night was like this. It wasn't. But these are the beats that came out of me as the crowd was building in the room. Like I said....I had BP on my mind, and was sorta wishing I could watch it happen. So this is how it happened from My booth this night. Dirty.
Now, I'm not going to, I've never gotten anywhere Near to being at the real Black Party. The one in NYC. As I've said before, my plan of being everywhere all the time, isn't quite panning out the way that I had supposed it. You know the one, Me Jetsetting around the world, on tour with all my buddies, hitting all the "IN" seasons and parties. Don't get me wrong, I represent every chance I get. So, once again, no, I've never been to a NYC Black Party, but; I "Get IT". I "Get" the whole picture. I was privileged to get to The Saint back in the day. Legend!! I even loved all that music. I played a lot of it. And if you've followed my blogs in the past, you know that I love the "Journey". I love to come up and then down, during the course of an entire night. I love classic Songs. I live for harmonies and beautiful lyrics. But I also love the beat-down. And if, you are anywhere near South Florida and know my work in the clubs, you know that I'm always changing it up. And since I have a great weekly residency, two nights a week (Thursday and Friday), plus the alternate Saturdays. Well, that allows me to, over the course of a couple of nights, play through a lot of my music in my bags. On That note, there Lots OF IT. I like it all.
Now, keep in mind...that my "alleged" residencies...are at bar's with no dance floor to speak of. But, they are THE places in town to get laid. So duh, We get the "havin' it" crowds. And they are under my spell. A lot of my crowd are also the same ones that would be at BP. I get to play to them every week. Talk about spoiled. These men get some of the best of the best all week long. And I'm not only talking about the music. These places pour the best drinks...offer some of the craziest promotions....and is the only place in the county that has a DJ every night of the week. Or, is it Me that's spoiled?...hehe. I AM the one that gets all that free groping. Makes my tail wag... wagwagwagwagwag.
So, I hope you enjoy the funk of it all. I know I do. Now, go put on your thigh-highs, or what ever it takes for you to get your Freak ON...and turn it UP. (3D pictures not included).
Keep your head high. Hope to see you on a floor near me soon. Be Sure to stop by and touch base.
Love all around
Friday, April 17, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Man + Dance + Herbie = Mandance 01
As some of you know by now. I have been DJ'ing at the Ramrod Bar in Fort Lauderdale on and off since they opened, a Lot of years ago. It's been one of my mainstay residencies for 10 years, playing anywhere from one to five nights a week there. Currently, I am spinning there every Thursday and Friday night, with a rotating Saturday night every month or so.
One thing I have to say about the Ramrod. In all my humble travels to the bit of the world that I've seen.... I've been to a lot of bars and dance clubs around the world and there is nothing like it anywhere. It has a great "Vibe". A very friendly and sexy say the least. It is also one of the only places that has a disc jockey every night of the week. Each one of them has their own style, but all of them work together to create the unique vibe that is the Ramrod.
One thing is though, it's not a dance club per se. No dance floor so to speak. EXCEPT !!! Once a month now. On the 3rd Friday night of each month. Ramrod will move walls around to create a dance club. Turns out; It Works. And with the size of the room being what it's packed with a line out to the street. AND....I am going to spin the Herbicidal. Voila....Mandance.!! Trust me....get there early to avoid the crush rush. Ok now....the word is out. So for all you peoples who want to Dance to the treatment. Bring your troubles to the ManDance floor....and Release yourself with Me.....your friendly neighborhood experience maker.
I look forward to feeling you on April 17th and every third Friday of the month after that.
Love all around
The Power oF Attraction part 1
play/download The Power of Attraction part 1
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To ALL Lovers of the Beat, and the Love, and the Love of the Beat,
Thank you, thank you, to all the powers that let us BE. The ones that attract us...together. To the music. To all the people around the world who love music enough to Go to the source, Where Ever you are finding that source, and seek out the music that you love so much. I "Feel" You. And, for all the lovely peoples around the world that love the powdered dance floor. For all the seekers of "Journey". I am here for You. For all those brave souls, that are not afraid to trust me to take them on the musical quest of the night. Come with me Now. Loosen up anyway you can, and let's Go. Inspiration and Attraction. Find it.
Know that we live in paradise. Or, at the least, we make where we live, paradise. I say it, because in the universe of our minds, we are the ones to bring it home, to us, If we will only put it out there. I'm putting it out there. Baring my musical soul for you. Giving it To you the only way I can. With love. I spend hours every week seeking, IMHO, what I think, is some of the best of the best music of all types to bring to you every week at the club. It's a very time consuming task, but I have accepted it as my cross to bear. I Love my job.
Several very exciting things goin' on lately. Fueling the energy of this night. Now, I have said for years that I should take the month of March, off. Just to keep up with all the great things going on. This set is sort of a culmination of energies that I have been playing from lately. Last weekend was Black Party in NYC. Incredible things came out of me that weekend. And I promise I will post a set from all that very soon. (I don't want to scare the children, you know) And, I wanted to BE there, alas, my big plan of BEing everywhere all the time isn't quite working out the way I had planned it. Besides, I have been fighting a chest cold for the past two weeks, and have been hacking / coughing like a mad dog through that, till right about now, (soul brother). Amen. Then this past week, has been the Winter Music Conference in
All incredible stuff. Try to keep up will you?
For now. This podcast is a look / listen into the DJ mindset that I am putting out right now. It may not be my best or even my most adventurous set ever. And already, some of these songs have come out of the box. This one was all about the energy of the night. It felt good. The feel good Herbie. This one is a bit all over the place. It may not be what I might play at Your party. It was just a great crowd inspired, call and response, night at the club. It opens with Al Green and ends with Simply Red. And hits all the usual points of tribal, progressive and house music in mini sets within the whole of my CD bags. Yes, it was Winter Music Conference, and I know most of the big guys play Only the newest of the new music. There are some great new tunes here. But I am Herbie, and I have to give it up with some of the Herbicidal classics that are beloved to me. Those are the connects that bridge the old to the new. The vocals to the drums. The breakdowns to the buildups. It's all connected. WE! Do you feel me?
Promoters, I hope that All your events and dance floors, have the same out of body, blow up energy, that was in my room this night. And, all you people out there asking for "Journey", please know, that it happens over the whole night, not over the course of an hour. Also, "Journey" to one, isn't to another. How long were you there anyway? Was it all night? I only hope those people who walked into the room and heard Al Green and Jestofunk, stayed long enough to hear Lily Allen and Grace Jones. Or that they were "with me," feeling the strings in that lovely breakdown in Reflect "Need to Feel Loved." (a classic dance floor hug if there ever was one) And to all the peoples who come in late, and only got the tribal beating. You missed how we got there. And What were the late people thinking who only show up for last call to only get the come down at the end with George Benson and Simply Red. What kind of club is this to play down-tempo? (I love giving my people a musical head bobbing groove, hug out the door...not just a get out, we're done with you, kick.) I'm always talking to you. Listen to the lyrics. Overall, don't expect me to ever stay in one place for too long. Cuz' I like it all. And eventually, you'll get it. If only by injection.
All you dancers out there, Come on! You know that you have Got to hear this music Loud to "Get IT". So turn it up. Pump the bass. From the beginning to the end, there is always a point in the night when I finally match the volume in the room, to the body count, where you can finally feel the pump and roll. You can watch and see what it does to bodies, and for heads. There is also a fine line that is not to be crossed. Distortion is not your friend. I want to love you with a beat, not beat you with one. And, as far as breakdowns go; I've always said...."You have to know what down is...before you can know what up is." Let The Music Breathe!! That's just some more of my DJ mind working.
And lastly, Yes, I know, that upon close listening; on your high-end Klipsch 5.1 surround sound speaker systems with sub-woofers, that you can hear, that when over distracted, I over press the nudge buttons on That CD mixer / player thang that I have to use. But in the club, with crowd noise, during a "havin' It" night and peak volume, with 3 or 4 well poured cocktails in you, and all those half nekid menz, rubbing on it, bumping and groping you into a frenzy that will have you "up-for-it" for would Never be able to hear that if you weren't trying to. Capiche?
In the end, Bless you all in all your quests. But especially bless those who quest for good music. I have some for you to look out for right now, as I listen to a lot of different styles of music at home. On the list lately, is a new album by Nicole Henry, Nicole is a beautiful female jazz vocalista, with an incredible voice and style. And her album of jazz standards, "The Very Thought Of You," will be in my play stack for the rest of time. Not to be missed. Another new male vocal artist that I have fallen in love with. Is Matt Alber. His album "Hide Nothing" is nothing short of feel good, story telling, genius. Full of love songs about the human experience, that I can only compare to Joni Mitchell's writing. Both albums are highly recommended and deserve a listen.
On another note. is a great site, and right now has an incredible documentary up for viewing. One that, if you are at All involved in the recording industry. Or even pondering of starting a band. Watch this movie!! It's called "Before the Music Dies." Uplifting at the end and totally worth the time to watch. Inspiration is where you find it. Teach one, then send one to teach.
Any of you music lovers out there who have a bit of time and money for travel, run to the Louisiana Jazz and Heritage Festival in
I hope that this rant wasn't too too much. But, I do it all for the love. So, what Ever You DO. Don't stop living "The life." And Don't buy into all the negative hype on TV. Find another way to spend your time. Join a church, join a charity, run a marathon, something to lift you up. And, Don't Stop Dancin' !! So, ‘Till the next time, and it will be soon, enjoy this night. Too, since it is in four, hour plus segments, I'll post each one separately, so as not to overwhelm you or the server. As always, Keep your heads to the sky. Continue the quest. And I hope to see you all on a dance floor soon.
Love all around