December...I mean Really? Where, did the year go? It's like in the movies, when they show you a time-line by ripping off the months of a calendar....but're There; INIT. Zoom Zoom. It's called Living. Funny thing....the older I get...the more I want to live it. LARGE. So, I'm a work in progress...and just a little bit ahead of my time I'd say. But then....who's to judge. I know I can't. ALL that I can control the little things that I have control of in my little corner of the world.
One of the things that I Can control the music as it comes out of my bag this Friday at the Ramrod Bar in Fort Lauderdale. They have this night called Mandance, when they move walls for create a dancefloor....and It Works. You'll Have to BE there to see this thing go Off. It's gotten to be quite the Big little party. Fridays are always fun....but on the 3rd Friday of each month....when Mandance happens....this room is like an underground club in Amsterdam. They've been Very vocal lately too. Must be the tourists. They always liven up the room with new energy. BOING.
But, This Mandance....being December and going to be wild for a few different reasons. I'm not privy to say Who....but there are a few peoples coming in this week....Celebrities in their own right ....from D.C. and NYC....that will be there to spec the club for future included of course....(w) IT"S ON. And I'm doing my part to try to make it GO OFF!! New music....some new know....Fierceness!!
So I'm inviting tell somebody....and bring your posse....This Friday night to the Ramrod ....and Dance with Me. Ok....some screaming would be nice too....(hehe). And Please....when you're There....Stop by the booth and say hi. I always like to know who's in the room....and what they are Up to. Makes my tail wag....(wagwagwagwagwag).
Meantime....head to the sky....and Live Your Life Large. I look forward to seeing you then.
(Deep breath before the Plunge) Hello my little Beat Doggies,
Picture this. It was White Party/ Miami/ weekend. Which is; truly a world class "Circuit" /Charity event by itself. Don't get me wrong though, it was hardly the Only thing going on that weekend. But this is the weekend that usually marks one of the first really big tourist weekends that we get here in south Florida. And, that's just one of the reasons that this is one of the best places to live on the planet. Like I said, there were a Lot of great parties that weekend, bringing people of all shapes and sizes, together. Now, this year I wasn't directly involved in "White" for now, I'll just have to give you a little look-see into what I did have a part in. I had to work my regular Friday night. Some say I do it for the love.
I Do.... Why do I love it? There are many reasons. Mostly it's the fact that this is a "jazz" gig for me. I have some tenure in the room, and they let me "take them", just about anywhere I want, musically that is. The club; Is known for it's DJ's...among other things....which are mostly figments of somebody’s overactive imagination. There is some history there. And, all Kinds of fun peoples populate those spaces. It's Definitely one of the best "Vibes" around. Like I said it was the start of hi-season, and between all the great events everywhere....I knew we were going to turn it Out that night. We did!!
The first set I'm giving you here, starts in at around 11;30-ish. Then, it's on to sets three and four, that continue to the end of the night. I'm leaving off the first set of the I'm planning on making a future podcast of two or three opening show you how we get to this point. This one surely Felt like a great night to me, as they have been very verbal lately. I think that's a good thing. Sexy people expressing themselves is nice. Music-wise some people ask me what I play. I tell them that out of all the listening to download sites that I do during the week to week, that there are a lot of songs that get tested, and maybe only played once. But the ones that stick go in the bag. Then they all start to come together and create a certain "Sound" that has become Mine. It's the way I put the drums together, and how I mix and layer the breaks. I do try to mix up the styles, and to keep it sexy. I try to "talk" to you all night too, and to tell you things through the lyrics. Oh, and all this, is recorded "Live" in the club. There's usually a few shots of Jack involved, so I'm sure you hear the "Nudge" button, as much as I do. That being part of the um... "Charm"; that is the booth, that I spoke of earlier. (w).
Set three was where we all were at Peak night, screaming and carrying on as they were, this was one out of control, dancing (space available, which was the boxes, the stage, the steps.) cocktailing/ rubbing/ bouncing the night away to the end ; crowd. Too much fun was Had I'd say. Part four begins as the peak starts to fade, and then we start the descent to close, and out to the end of the night. Time to bring the BPM's down a bit, then a few songs that will close the evening out. Which I always enjoy doing. As, I like to send my people home with a musical hug, not just a kick, and out the door.
Like I was a great weekend...and, this was a great night. I'm sorry you couldn't all have been there, but now you'll have a little taste. My only regret of all that, is that you listening at home....don't get the full volume, drop the bass kick, cocktailed and rubbin' on IT Vibe, that was in the room. You'll just have to turn it up, and try your best to "Feel" me....where Ever you are.
I already have an idea for the next hold on to my love with this set, and maybe a coupla "classic" ones till then. Keep your heads to the sky....and stay tuned.
DJ Herbie James. Podcasting weekly from clubs and venues around South Florida and the world. Soulful house music, progressive and tribal, will make you get out of your seat and move with the music.