As Herbie's world spins madly out of control....what with Pride and Twilo opening and all....and well, here you go....I actually DID call Madonna ....and I left a very nice message about how Much I would appreciate it if she would just come by Voodoo this Sunday during T-Dance for a look see....no pressure though...I mean she's already in town for her concert tour ...and I DO play her songs....>) She has a Really nice phone message, so I'm sure she's just as nice in person....and I told her she wouldn't have to pay the cover ..or for drinks....and I told her she could hang with me in the DJ booth....and that maybe, while she was there, that we could go over the lyrics of the new song I'm writing for her....Oh and I told her that you are all such big fans that you promised that you'd all be stomping the dance floor into powder, Hands to Heaven, All night long just waiting for the next chance to dance to her non-stop medley of hits. Legendary.
AND....IF That wasn't enough....PINK is in concert Monday night at Revolution...and I also called her (again leaving a Really, really nice message) and hinted that it would be nice if she came by to give away free tickets for the performance. Really. Now I'm not going to promise....but Maybe....If we can catch them both in a "mood"....then Maybe... Madonna ...and Pink....well you just use your imagination...>0...Scandal indeed.
Sound too good to be true....I think not...It Could happen...Really...At the Voodoo Lounge This Sunday....July 23rd...from 5 to 11 pm....BE There and Watch it all unfold, before you have to hear about it in the news. Be sure and bring something to have autographed, Just in case.
Cherry in your whiskey sour....I'm going to be the DJ this Sunday....Fierceness Will prevail....>0....and I look forward to seeing you all on the floor.....stop by the booth and say hi to me....and you know who.
Love all around
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