Play/Download "This is a Herbicidal Come-Down"
Ponder This...
There's been some very nice references made by some very nice people of late ....mostly relating to beautiful club experiences of years past....about how the music over the course of a night, sometimes longer.....drove emotions high, and low....about, how the music would energize, and sometimes, breakdown to allow you to breathe for a bit... slow you down just enough, so you could just, let, go....when you stopped thinking about hearing That song as your favorite.....and started "Hearing" the chord changes,
the breath in the melody line, the Bassline groove, or whatever else drives the drums.
So I'm guessin' some of this is because we just don't get the experience enough lately. I don't even get to play it enough....seems I have to beat the floor with drums most of the time....I'm easily distracted though, you know.....and I like me some hard too....but on This occasion....I, having all this talk about classic "Handwaver", "Saintly" music...dug on my "Wall 'O Vinyl" for more than a few of them ....and on this, Thursday of nights....and ok, I have to admit....After a mildly entertaining, local club "Contest", which ran late, to about 45 minutes before close, I decided to break out the Shirley Bassey, a la Propellerheads, and start the journey down to was fun....the people that were there, mostly Got it, the boss liked it because of the extra change.....and the crowd stayed till about 3:20. So after giving it a couple of sexy re-listens....I have to let this one go. I think that every track is a classic in it's own time...Some are brand new....some are old....but together....tempo and key match aside....the program blend makes them all work. Now I only wish I'd had more time "Stretch out" even more. Next time will be different.....They all are.
Word of reassurance....Most of what I play is hard beated....Tribal, Electro, Italian, German, French, all next p'cast will be Beat .....Trust me. Meantime...listen to this after you come home....not before you go out....Like I tell them.....You have to Know what Down is ...before you know what Up is. Keep your head to the sky...
Love all around
PS: Check out this blog for a quick history lesson by an excellent writer.
Instant Disco History 9 Morning Music (JoeMyGod)
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Do tha VooDoo, that You Do....sSo Well.

Glad to be's where we's a Very nice place to be....I lllllllike it. You know where else I like...There's this's down by the railroad tracks, on the Westside of downtown Fort Lauderdale....and it's called, the VooDoo Lounge....[ooga booga]...Now let me tell a DJ....this room rocks. All the right ingredients.... have been added together when the crowd is " 'aving It"....the place goes Off. The sound is clean....means it's powered correctly....rrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRrrrr....It's a Dancers club...they let you Dance on Everything....The flow around the room, the patio, the "Salsa" room....the "Lounge" is flawless....everything is a "Runway" is Given. But the best thing....about the "Lounge" the DJ booth....Best seat in the house...people flowing in front and coming In behind you.....The Best sound....nice monitors...but, you're standing in Front of, and on Top of, the house sound....."I make the beats go Boom papi"....and you're Sexy bodies flowing all around you with room in the booth for a couple of 'em to visit, which I love too. Hold on, it gets Better.....Turns out that this coming Sunday....the 22nd....that going to be your DJ du the booth, fabuloso....but now... here's the hook. YOU ....have to be there too....because, if it's us together....each of us in his own little space....workin' it....rubbin' the friction between them....the dancers...the bartenders....the drag....The DJ....the "Lounge"....Voila....the Magic... and That will be talked about for years....ok, weeks, days, hours, but come. [sly] But We were There....So This little Sexy 4/4 bunnies....Come out with me, to the VooDoo Lounge....and let's give 'em something to talk about....IT could, be scandalous....Hold, That thought.....Hope to see you and the "posse" on the Floor. Tell somebody loud.
Love all around
Friday, October 06, 2006
How I Come Up...
Play/Download "The Way I Come Up"
House Heads Arise!
As I have said before....Lately...I Try to record everything....which also includes listening to it, which is a job in itself. I have said before....I don't post it all because it would just be redundant....week to week. Annnnnd....There are so many sets to listen to....A lot of them Just Don't Hit me enough to say....Oh ...I want to hear that again. Annnd....If you've been reading all might remember that I have listed a few DJs that have influenced the way that I play. One of those being DJ Buc from Atlanta.
I had known Buc from the day when he worked for Steve Burman at the record store....and when he would play "Sleaze'" morning parties for him....called "Clan of the Handwavers"....during a time when you could play for hours at BELOW 120 BPMs...and people would Dance to it.....can you imagine times change. Annnnnd....if you remember....I have mentioned that I Love to "Come Up" at the beginning of the night....and don't always get the chance. On this particular night....I went in the club ....feeling in a particular Buc-ian mood....and though the BPMs aren't slow....I think the mood of the night was set by that feeling. It's a set that I find myself listening to over and over and therefore feel it Needs to be the podcast at this time.
Also....know that this set represents my love for great poolside beats...and I could play like this, and have....for hours. It Can go even deeper....imagine.
On that note.....enjoy the set....let me know if you "Get It." Not to worry....I Still Beat them....and I love that too....but there's a time and place for it if you're out....and I'm starting patient....I'll get you there.....It's ALL about the Journey....Thanks Buc for teaching me that. ...and to all the other "Journey” DJs out there.....Keep Your Head to the Sky....Hands Waving.
Love All Around
PS....All that "Annnnd" taken from "The Bar" by Robert Ashley....a Legendary piece of music on "Lovely" records. If you should have the notion. (I have the vinyl ANNND the CD, wagwagwagwag>
House Heads Arise!
As I have said before....Lately...I Try to record everything....which also includes listening to it, which is a job in itself. I have said before....I don't post it all because it would just be redundant....week to week. Annnnnd....There are so many sets to listen to....A lot of them Just Don't Hit me enough to say....Oh ...I want to hear that again. Annnd....If you've been reading all might remember that I have listed a few DJs that have influenced the way that I play. One of those being DJ Buc from Atlanta.
I had known Buc from the day when he worked for Steve Burman at the record store....and when he would play "Sleaze'" morning parties for him....called "Clan of the Handwavers"....during a time when you could play for hours at BELOW 120 BPMs...and people would Dance to it.....can you imagine times change. Annnnnd....if you remember....I have mentioned that I Love to "Come Up" at the beginning of the night....and don't always get the chance. On this particular night....I went in the club ....feeling in a particular Buc-ian mood....and though the BPMs aren't slow....I think the mood of the night was set by that feeling. It's a set that I find myself listening to over and over and therefore feel it Needs to be the podcast at this time.
Also....know that this set represents my love for great poolside beats...and I could play like this, and have....for hours. It Can go even deeper....imagine.
On that note.....enjoy the set....let me know if you "Get It." Not to worry....I Still Beat them....and I love that too....but there's a time and place for it if you're out....and I'm starting patient....I'll get you there.....It's ALL about the Journey....Thanks Buc for teaching me that. ...and to all the other "Journey” DJs out there.....Keep Your Head to the Sky....Hands Waving.
Love All Around
PS....All that "Annnnd" taken from "The Bar" by Robert Ashley....a Legendary piece of music on "Lovely" records. If you should have the notion. (I have the vinyl ANNND the CD, wagwagwagwag>
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Chart Toppings for Beat Aliens

I figure it's been a little over giving up some of the ingredients to the Herbicidal Sexualness....and the stuff I use to serve ...for all you Beat Freaks that enjoy searching out some of these finer slices of musical's a few of the titles that have been tweakin' my main nerve lately.'s only a's all in how you spluge them together that turns the crowd into a head bobbin', booty grindin', ball of mashed flesh....sounds durty...but it's kinda what it does to me on a good here you 'ave it.
1. No Dolls "Nothing Like the Original" all
2. Kathy Brown "Get Another Love"
3. Superchumbo feat. Kartherine Ellis "Be My Dog" orig
4. Fergie "London Bridge"
5. Trick n Kubic feat Valeska "Easy" JCA
6. Mike Mucci "On and On" all
7. The Absolute "There Will Come A Day" Mark Picchotti rmx
8. Jason Hates Jazz "Pray For Love" Chus and Penn
9. Ceevox "Love Is" Peter Presta
10. Benny Maze "Visual Source"
11. Jerome Isma-Ac "Miami Essentials" dub
12. MIDI n Mowree feat. SoulXpres "Burnin"
13. Micha Daniels "Take Me Higher" all
14. Dino V "No More Pain" dub
15. Roger Sanchez "Lost" Alyson Calagna mix
16, G Club feat Haze "Faith" all
Now don't forget to look at all my past charts here ....add them to this because a lot of them are still in the box and still in rotation....also, I constantly dig the "Wall" to pull out classics....and I never forget that I have a crowd, so I always play for here's a couple of 'most requested’.
Micheal M "Dear Diary"
Justin Timberfuck "Sexy Back" (I just like Dean's work)
Suzanne Palmer "Keep the Faith"
And the list goes ...On and On....constantly changing....always depending on the crowd, the venue, the theme, the night, the moon, my head, who's yellin' and who'sshakin'.
So I hope you'll also listen to a podcast or see what else is in there that was turning the night at that time....and I hope that you'll seek me out at the clubs...and maybe even tell somebody ....'cause I Need to play Twilo.
Meantime....feel the love all around you.
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