Glad to be here....it's where we are....it's a Very nice place to be....I lllllllike it. You know where else I like...There's this club....it's down by the railroad tracks, on the Westside of downtown Fort Lauderdale....and it's called, the VooDoo Lounge....[ooga booga]...Now let me tell ya....as a DJ....this room rocks. All the right ingredients.... have been added together ...so when the crowd is " 'aving It"....the place goes Off. The sound is clean....means it's powered correctly....rrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRrrrr....It's a Dancers club...they let you Dance on Everything....The flow around the room, the patio, the "Salsa" room....the "Lounge" is flawless....everything is a walkaround....so "Runway" is Given. But the best thing....about the "Lounge"....is the DJ booth....Best seat in the house...people flowing in front and coming In behind you.....The Best sound....nice monitors...but, you're standing in Front of, and on Top of, the house sound....."I make the beats go Boom papi"....and you're surRounded....by Sexy bodies flowing all around you with room in the booth for a couple of 'em to visit, which I love too. Hold on, it gets Better.....Turns out that this coming Sunday....the 22nd....that I....am going to be your DJ du jour....in the booth, fabuloso....but now... here's the hook. YOU ....have to be there too....because, if it's us together....each of us in his own little space....workin' it....rubbin' the friction between them....the dancers...the bartenders....the drag....The DJ....the "Lounge"....Voila....the Magic... and That will be talked about for years....ok, weeks, days, hours, but moments...to come. [sly] But We were There....So This Sunday...my little Sexy 4/4 bunnies....Come out with me, to the VooDoo Lounge....and let's give 'em something to talk about....IT could, be scandalous....Hold, That thought.....Hope to see you and the "posse" on the Floor. Tell somebody loud.
Love all around
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