Sunday, October 02, 2005

Fierceness Is What You Want

Hey Everybody,
    The season must be upon the energy around lately seems to be charged. I have been working on some projects......and remixes...with my buddy Wayne. Lately WE have been commissioned to do a couple of remixes for some people......Three of them right That has taken every spare minute we've had.  Add on that we are learning new software......Ableton Live 5.0 is the newest and latest and greatest at the moment.....which is Too much fun.  It has totally changed the way I look <and listen> at my record collection.   We've turned into "sampling" wild men.   Really some amazing stuff to be had.......and stay legal....>)
    I would really LOVE to use Ableton to DJ That <done correctly> would turn some ears on end.   Example....go to
and listen to this craziness to get an idea.....although this is's quite inspiring.
     I'm not sure if you guys that are downloading my mixes.....if they are repeating themselves or not.....I don't play the same sets all the time....but I do have some fave songs that will be "reCurrent" in the box for EVER .  Bear with me as upon re-listening to this one....I seem to have played a couple of "Anthems" ....and I don't usually play a lot of what I call anthems.   Also I like to listen to my sets to see what needs to come out of the box.   What worked or didn't....what's Played out....etal.  <needless to say...Phil Collins is out....whoops>   Nor am I afraid to "Test' new tracks even without ever hearing them.   I'll preview the intro in my headphones and if I think the drums fit the set I'm in at the moment....I'll drop it just to see what it sounds like.....sometimes they sneak by me and to my dismay....I'll find myself in a track that I may not ever play again.....for whatever reason.....the beats....the lyricical content or style....or it may have changed the whole vibe of the set....???    So i never apologize for the music.....Like I tell people all the time...."Hang changes about every five minutes or so".    AND...throughout the night....I'll play funk....where ever the beats take me.....and what's hot at the It's always a ride......I like Good music.   Everything in it's place.
      So....this last set was part three from September 23rd.....with some wicked new tracks out.   Take the trip where it takes you .....and enjoy the ride.  Even with Phil...>)
See you in the clubs
Love all around

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