Sunday, November 06, 2005

Wilma, You Bitch!

Hi yall,

First let me just say, Thank you God that we ALL didn't have more damage than we did....and Yes, We survived....Say a prayer for us all , as the experts predict a busy 20 year cycle of big storms....Blame it on Bush and his "There is no global warming fuel cell burning" bull. Count your blessings along with the rest of the world. We Still have it better than most, I mean, have you read the news these past weeks...there are some crazy people running around out there......RRRRRRR.

It's been over a week till I got my power back on and therefore with just like every hurricane before it....Wilma costs me LOTS of money what with being unable to work for over two weeks and having to throw out a refrigerator full of groceries and then replace them and having to eat out for all that time....mostly, although let me say that we did become quite efficient at cooking eggs and toast on the barbi, add fresh fruit and voila, continental breakfast du jour bliss. Like I said.....We Are the best sense of the word.

Those of you who haven't had the pleasure of going threw a hurricane....let me say they are NOT something to take lightly....and let me just say....any storm bigger than this one....RUN for your lives. Wilma , it turns out .....took the path directly over my house....which is a condo....or what I like to call my "One bedroom DJ booth with a Kitchen"....(anybody with a huge vinyl collection will relate)....but is the fuel for my fire.

Although, since I. Haven't been spinning at the club for two weeks....I haven't been able to record any new sets that should be posted, so hold your panties in a wad until next week for those. I should also warn you that when I DO get back to the decks that it will surely Release some of this pent up anger / frustrations over this whole storm process that will be coming out in the music....I think..???...will Just have to see....>0 OR it might bring out the love. It's one thing about these types of catastrophes, they tend to knock people down a notch and make them somewhat more humble in the big a good way. We all seem to lend a hand on some level or other. Even if it's just to pay more attention to our overall surroundings. Which btw.....If there is one lesson to be learned from all this....People....Please, look out for your brothers and sisters....Help out where you can....Spread love not the opposite of.....and Your life will become a better thing for you as you will be the one to reap the return of that love? Trust.

If I think of anything else that bugs me about all this....I'll let you know. Meantime....stay tuned...there is a lot of new music in the box and I can't wait to get back in the loop to bring it to you....With love. Hold that thought.


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